How to Write a Poem

How to Write a Poem

A beautiful and inspiring picture book that reminds us all the beauty of words and that poetry is within everyone’s reach. Written by Kwame Alexander and Deanna Nikaido, this lovely story takes us up and down, sideways and in multiple spirals about what it means to...
La Tierra de las Grullas

La Tierra de las Grullas

Esta es una increíble y bella historia en forma de versos, que nos muestra la inocencia, miedo y sobretodo el amor que existe en varias de las historias que rodean a nuestros inmigrantes. Escrito por la poeta e intérprete Aida Salazar, esta bella historia nos...
My Powerful Hair

My Powerful Hair

Written by Carole Lindstrom, this is a captivating and empowering story for all readers, and specially to native people that get to see themselves and their traditions represented in the pages of this book. Hair is so important for many people, for it represents a...
¡Solo pregunta!

¡Solo pregunta!

Es una libro que ayudara a los pequeños que viven con diferentes tipos de condiciones medicas verse si mismos y a otros poder entender y solo preguntar cuando tenemos dudas. ¡Solo pregunta! escrito por la jueza de la Suprema Corte, busca explicar y hacernos ver que...
Little Dreamers

Little Dreamers

Little Dreamers: Visionary Women Around the World is a unique collection of diverse, intelligent women who changed the world accompanied by incredibly charming artwork. The biopsies of the women featured are detailed and easy-to-read, with fun facts about the women...